Code of Conduct


The Veil Brewing Company

This Code of Conduct applies to all employees, vendors, sponsors, and customers while on company property, on company time, at company-sponsored events, or as representatives of The Veil at any time.


The Veil Brewing Co. promotes and protects the interests of community and team members that work at or visit our locations or consume our products. To effectively advance that mission, employees and community members of The Veil must set an example by acting with honesty and integrity, conducting themselves professionally, and embracing everyone regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, disability (mental or physical), age, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, neuro(a)typicality, or religion.

The Veil requires that all employees, vendors, sponsors, and customers conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to this Code may result in the termination of employees, removal from our taproom, events, banishment from future events, or other disciplinary action.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - People of all races, identities, and backgrounds are welcome in our taprooms, on our team, and as members of our community. We work to create safer spaces for everyone who visits our facilities in any capacity. As a company, we consistently strive to seek different perspectives on how to make our spaces and culture as inclusive and equitable as possible.

Honesty & Truth - We value transparency and commit to sharing the truth about everything from our ingredients and quality control practices, all the way to employee conduct and hiring practices. We require the truthful interactions between employees and work to create a culture of trust among all team members.

Community - The Veil believes in supporting both our internal and external community. We offer avenues for collaboration with other organizations and support multiple non-profit causes by way of profit sharing from our beer sales or events. When able, The Veil also uses our social media reach to support causes and coordinate events to promote community outreach.

Trust Through Action - The Veil relies on trust in every corner of this business. We trust our employees to make decisions in the best interest of the company and remain accountable to those decisions. We trust our brewers to create products that are safe to consume. We trust our patrons to respect our staff and each other. The Veil supports this culture of trust through actions:

  • Display patience, kindness and respect to everyone

  • Taking the time to listen and offer support.

  • Admit mistakes and take responsibility for shortcomings.

  • Deliver a clear message when communicating

  • Speak up for those who are not present.

  • Give others the authority to make decisions.

Expected Behaviors For All:

  • Treat all individuals and groups respectfully, recognizing their human dignity, regardless of their diverse human characteristics.

  • Contribute to a positive environment that is free of hostile and offensive behaviors in any form, i.e. free of harassment and discrimination. Harassment is not necessarily sexual in nature, although it may be.

  • Take proactive steps to prevent and stop such behavior. It is not acceptable to merely refrain from engaging in this type of behavior. Refraining from this behavior while knowingly allowing others to engage in it constitutes implied encouragement or tolerance. Patrons and employees alike therefore have an affirmed obligation to speak out against such behavior wherever and whenever they see it. Tolerance itself is unacceptable.

  • Respect the opinions of others and address conflicts in a positive and constructive manner. Opinions that are rooted in the oppression, subjugation, or inferiority of another group of human beings will not be tolerated.

  • Treat all individuals and groups professionally and respect their personal space and property.

  • Speak out without fear of retaliation when the actions of others violate the rights of any individuals or groups. Participants that engage in retaliation against those that speak out against harassment are equally as culpable as those that engage in harassment. (reference the “Reporting Violations…” section at the bottom of this document for more information)

Unacceptable Behaviors For All:

  • Unwanted sexual advances or physical contact without consent;

  • Offering any benefits in exchange for sexual favors;

  • Retaliation or threats of retaliation for refusing advances or requests for favors;

  • Leering, making sexual gestures or jokes, or commenting on an employee's body;

  • Displaying sexually suggestive or vulgar content, including music, video, or any other form of media;

  • Displaying or sharing derogatory posters, photographs, or drawings;

  • Making derogatory epithets, or slurs;

  • Ongoing teasing about an employee's religious or cultural practices;

  • Ongoing teasing about an employee's sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity;

  • Physical conduct such as touching, assault, or impeding or blocking movements;

  • Any offensive speech related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion;

  • Misgendering or refusal to respect an individual's pronouns;

  • Stalking;

  • Intimidation;

  • Belittling, or subtle expressions of bias;

  • Verbal, physical, or written abuse or assault;

  • Bullying, intimidation, or victimization;

  • Discrimination;

  • Inappropriate use of company property or assets;

  • Failure to comply with company values;

  • Illegal activity;

  • Any form of abusive conduct including but not limited to the use of derogatory remarks, insults, verbal or physical conduct that a reasonable person would find threatening, intimidating, or humiliating, or the sabotage or undermining of a person’s work performance or well-being.


Any form of retaliation against someone who has expressed concern about any form of harassment, refused to partake in harassing behavior, made a harassment complaint, or cooperated in a harassment investigation, is strictly prohibited. A complaint made in good faith will under no circumstances be grounds for disciplinary action. Individuals who make complaints that they know to be false may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Violations of the Code of Conduct/Corrective Action:

The Veil requires that all members, sponsors, and participants conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to this Code may result in the termination of employees, removal from our taproom, events, banishment from future events, or other disciplinary action.

Regarding Employees of The Veil:

A high level of job performance and professionalism is expected from each employee. In the event that an employee’s job performance does not meet the standards established for the position, they violate company policies or procedures, or their behavior is otherwise unacceptable, corrective action may ensue. Corrective action may include, but is not limited to: coaching, oral or written warnings, performance improvement plans, paid or unpaid suspension, demotion, and termination. The type and order of actions taken will be at management's sole discretion and the Company is not required to take any disciplinary action before making an adverse employment decision, including termination.

Regarding Guests, Patrons, and Vendors of The Veil:

Guests, patrons, and vendors of The Veil can face the following repercussions when in violation of our Code of Conduct: request for a change of behavior, removal from the premises, and banishment.

Reporting Violations of the Code of Conduct:

Regarding Employees of The Veil:

We encourage our staff to maintain professional and positive relationships within the workplace. We feel it is important that every individual stand up for their beliefs and openly discuss their differences with professionalism and respect towards each other. If you are approached as having (consciously or otherwise) acted in a way that might make your teammates feel unwelcome, listen with an open mind and avoid becoming defensive. Remember that if someone offers you feedback, it likely took a great deal of courage for them to do so. The best way to respect that courage is to acknowledge your mistake, apologize, and move on with a renewed commitment to do better.

That said, repeated or severe violations of this code, or discomfort in confronting the concern directly, can and will be addressed by our leadership, and can lead to disciplinary actions, including termination.

As outlined in our company handbook you may submit a written complaint to your direct supervisor if you believe you’ve observed or experienced a violation of this Code of Conduct. They will work to assess the situation and to respond as soon as possible with procedures outlined in the handbook. If you are uncomfortable with submitting a complaint to your supervisor you may contact to reach our Human Resource representative.

Our Human Resource representative will be assigned to investigating any alleged harassment and proper discipline will be taken upon conclusion to those investigations.

Regarding Guests, Patrons, Vendors of The Veil:

Any violation of this Code of Conduct witnessed by a patron, guest, or vendor is strongly encouraged to be reported via these two methods:

  1. Alert the manager on duty;

  2. Send an email to